2014 For 2014 our members decided to allocate our funds to the following three charities who support vulnerable adults (25-50 years of age).
HELP Counselling For over 40 years HELP has offered free or subsidised counselling to adults experiencing mental health problems, a need not fully addressed by the NHS. Based on Portobello Road, they provide 165 sessions per week from 10am to 8.30pm 6 days per week. With The Grove Trust funding of £40,000 over 2 years HELP will increase the Administrator and Volunteers Co-ordinator from part-time to full-time positions.
240 Project Based on Lancaster Road, the 240 Project is focused on helping to facilitate active long term change for homeless people by increasing their sociability and independence through arts based and health related projects and ultimately providing further education, training and work experience opportunities. The Project will spend The Grove Trust funding of £40,000 over 2 years on providing a Wellbeing Centre every Thursday for 20 clients.
NOVA New Opportunities Founded in 1983 NOVA offers ICT, Literacy and Numeracy and ESOL courses, advice and guidance to 1,400 adults per annum searching for work opportunities. Clients are predominately women returning to work, long term unemployed and BME's (Black Minority Ethnic). They were awarded £25,00 over 2 years and NOVA will allocate this to core costs, primarily staffing costs.